jeudi 19 février 2009

NO coconut

Ok can anyone tell me how to add photo albums to this, I swear I have taken pictures but I have no idea how to put them up in an album or something...suggestions?  

Anyhoozle, not too much in the Paris hood.  Still getting accustomed to classes.  After class on Monday, two of my friends and I decided to go for a little stroll on the Champs Elysées... the usual.  We headed for Ladurée, a world famous pastry shop, particularly macarons (NOT MACAROONS).  There is absolutely no coconut in them.  I got a blueberry one and a citrus one OH MY GOODNESS.  I will not try to describe how amazing they are because I can't.  They are little cakes with a sort of hard shell and a soft creamy center. Look them up- if anyone comes to visit we are going.  End of story.

 Tuesday, my friend Laura and I went to the TD (kind of like TA) section of our medieval history class.  The professor was pretty nice, but as usual the students just talked and talked.  No respect. But it turns out we have two weeks off for their winter vacation. Hallelujah. On Wednesday, 5 people from our little grammar group went out with the director of the program for drinks.  There is this thing called SOAR, where one of the program people leads a group of students in discussions and takes them out and such.  Our "leader" is the director!  She is great.  We had really interesting conversations particularly about the French university system.  A number of us mentioned our experiences with the chatterbox students.  She said that it is the norm.  She asked us why it was like that.  We had a really long discussion about education.  It turns out, because university here is free, people can take longer to get through school, and contrary to popular belief, the system is not competitive, one will often find such disruptive atmospheres especially in lower level classes.  The system weeds people out, and since the professors are paid by the state she said many of them believe that students should be there to learn, and if they don't pay attention and talk, that is their problem, not the professors. However, she said that one does find professors who will take charge of a class and maintain authority. Sometimes such a teacher would tell anyone who is not willing to learn to leave, and they do.  If they don't want to be there, then why go? 

So after a bottle of wine (I had a coffee and biscuits), and a few hours of conversation, we all headed home.  Other than that, I had class for the rest of the week but tomorrow I have NADA.

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