dimanche 8 février 2009

I am one of 6 Billion

My goodness. I have not written in a few days. And I am proud to say that I am having a bit of trouble writing in Englsih. I am at our family friends house, the Zouaris, and I am only speaking French. There are no Americans here.

Tuesday was a nothing day, I think I had classes and then did nothing.

After class on Wednesday, Chenault and I went shopping and I bought another pair of leather riding boots and another pair of converse-like shoes.  Woohoo.  Then we walked, and walked and walked.  Chenault searched high and low for a pair of boots too, but because she is a size 38 (very common) most stores were sold out.  We eventually got boot-fatigue, and they all started looking the same.  So we went to Le Bon Marché to get school supplise.  It was kind of like buying notebooks at Saks or Bloomingdales...  But they didn't have any tape!  Craziness.  After a week of intensive grammar classes, I had my language test on Thursday.  It was très facile (easy).  I was able to just relax for the rest of the day.  
On Friday my program took us to the the atelier de Guy Martin.  He is a world famous chef, and he has a place where they hold cooking classes.  It was FANTASTIC, and delicious.  We made chicken, with citron selé under the skin and a risotto-like mixture with quinoa, onions, fennel, and tomatoes.  The chef walked us through all the steps and we got to make it and then.........eat it! They had chocolate soufflé for dessert (the specialty of Guy Martin).  I couldn't eat it because it has a lot of butter and I detest chocolate (which they thought was a sin).  Luckily another girl had the same issue, so we both got fruit plates.  Yum!  
After stuffing myself silly I met up with another Northwestern girl, Nina, who is doing IES Paris for the year.  She and I went to the exposition on Yann Arthus-Bertrand.  I did a project on the French photographer/activist.  I love his work.  We saw the media exposition, "The 6 Billion Others."  Check it out online, it was spectacular. www.6billionothers.org It was way to much to see in one visit.  The montage was fascinating, so I hope to go back before it is over February 12!  
I made it home by 7:15 so I could Skype with my dad.  It was great to get to talk to him, the time difference has certainly caused problems - especially since I don't have a set schedule yet.  But I start my courses tomorrow! Friday night, I met up with a friend from the French immersion program that I did in high school.  Matt is here for the year as well.  We went to China-town to get Vietnamese food.  The place we wanted to go to had a line out the door, so we found the first place that had space and plopped down.  It was a picture menu and everything!  Matt got a dish called "The Eight Treasures" (no joke.)  It had plenty of goodies: chicken, fish, tofu, veggies, etc.  It wasn't to bad.  I got some seafood stuff.  It was ok.  I can't wait to go back to get REAL Vietnamese food.  It's the thing here.  Matt and I talked about our experiences in Paris, obviously he has had a lot more than I have had.  He lives right near the sex district, so it's obviously full of adventures.  This city is one big adventure.  
On Saturday I went to the gym in the morning and had lunch with my family in Boulogne Billancourt, but then I hit the RER (kind of like a commuter rail) to go visit the Zouari family for the weekend.  It is not as easy as the metro.  That I learned fast.  Because it was snowing (again!) they shut down some of the trains.  Basically a flake of snow equals the world is coming to an end in Paris.  I was doing well until I got to the station Nanterre Prefecture.  There just happened to be no trains to Sartrouville (the suburb where the Zouari's live).  After a really bitchy train station lady gave me sketchy directions to get to my final destination, I started to backtrack.  And backtrack, and stress out...  Three hours later, I made it to their house.  (It is supposed to take an hour.)  
It was a relaxing weekend.  Saturday night I babysat for their next door neighbors.  They had two adorable little girls: Estelle, 9 and Julie, 6.  They were wonderful, and I loved speaking solely in French.  It is really different speaking with little children, especially because they were in awe of the fact that I speak another language.  They wanted to learn English, all of it!  So I taught them to count to 20, the days of the week, and a few phrases.  The little picked it up a lot faster, but she was frustrated that I was not able to count to infinity.  She was obsessed with that "number."  In fact, she says she wants to have infinity children so that means she needs to be infinity rich.  I wish her good luck.  She already has two boyfriends apparently, so she's off to a good start...  I really want to go back and babysit for them, I realize how much I miss being around little kids.  I watched "New York District" for awhile.  We know it as "Law and Order."  As I am sure many of you know, I am a big L&O fan, thus it was a great way to end the night.  After the parents got home from their night on the Champs Elysée, I wandered back to the Zouari's to pass out.  I was pooped.  Sunday was certainly a day of rest and relaxation.  Basically I talked to Michele, the mom, for hours.  We had lunch with Thomas and then Clémence and Jacques got home from her fencing competition.  Anne-Carole, who is my age, was MIA.  She and I will be hitting the town next weekend or the one after.  ;-)  I lounged on the couch with the family and watched two French movies.  They were kooky and silly, but I was really proud because I understood it! Although I started this post at the Zouari's, I will admit that I am now back in Boulogne Billancourt.  I gotta hit the sack soon so I can be fully rested for day one of true brain usage.

Thus I bid you farewell. 

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