mercredi 21 janvier 2009

Zee First One

Paris. Well it's Paris. Actually, I haven't been into the city yet. I am with my family's close friends in Sartrouville, a suburb. Tomorrow I will go to the house of my host family!! So besides being extremely jetlagged and sleeping a lot, I went to visit a notary today with Michele (the mother) because I am very interested in French law and the differences between theirs and ours. Unlike back home a notary in France is VERY important and prestigious. They do all the personal documents (wills, the deeds for houses, etc.) basically all the important paper work. A guy was buying two apartments from the Zouaris so I went to go watch how it is done. Lots of technical stuff. I went shopping at the Carrefour (a hugeass grocery/everything store, they hqve the lqrgest one in Europe right here in Sartrouville!) And trust me, it has everything. It's so big that some of the clerks travel by roller skates!! Anyhoo, I got a cell phone and some bath stuff, but mainly I just looked around. Yea so that's it as of now. More later, once things really get crack-a-lacking. kisses!

1 commentaire:

  1. um i can't read this. why is this in french? can you change this to english please?
    yeah thanks.
    and also, you have some spelling mistakes.

