lundi 20 avril 2009

Rome wasn't built in a day, but Chloé and I did it in a day and a half.

So I am going to briefly write about my voyage to Roma with Chloé.  (Three weekends ago: well April 3 to 5).  I am supposed to be working on an exposé (oral presentation) for tomorrow but it is really bothering me that I have not written.  

My flight (I took easyjet) was delayed an hour or something and then the bus from the airport to Rome left on Italian time (aka way after they said it would), I arrived in Rome center around 10 Pm.  I was pooped and hungry.  Clo had already been there for a few hours so she and I went to a restaurant so I could eat and then we headed to our hotel called Hotel Colors right next to the Vatican.  (unfortunately we did not get to see the pope) We both fell asleep right away since we had been traveling/up late the night before.  We also wanted to get up wicked early so we could get going after our FREE amazing breakfast.  It was molto yum.  Simple: cereal, yogurt, bread, fruit, pastries, coffee, warm milk (for Clo), etc.  Then we went out to explore, and just walk out feet off.  Trust me, we did.  I calculated that we had to have walked more than 16 hours in a day and a half when you take out every meal/short break.  Day one we hit up the Trevi, Pantheon, walked through all the districts surrounding these areas, concurred the Forum (we spent hours in there just wandering in awe), had yummy Italian food, gelato (I found soy/yogurt gelato that was Apple Cinnamon flavored, and oh my god- apple pie in a cup!  It was fantastic)  We left the hotel at 10 and did not return that day until after 11 pm.  Needless to say it was not hard to fall asleep.  We wanted to get up early the next morning to continue our Rome tour so we set an alarm, had another yummy breakfast and set out before 10.  Day two started with the Coleseum (wow, it was hard to imagine the Gladiators and lions, all I could really think of was Russell Crowe...but that is pathetic.) We just loved seeing all the "old shit" as I liked to call it as there were ruins, old churches, and monuments everywhere.   They just kind of crept up on you, and wabam!  something else that was erected before Christ was born.  Pretty cool.  After the Coleseo we headed on a nice long walk and climbed a hill (I forget what it is called) where we saw a lot of monuments and a beautiful skyline of Rome.  We meandered around the greenery and headed towards San Pietro so I could see the pope's pad before I had to go home.  We forgot it was Palm Sunday, so there were a lot of people milling around.  I grabbed a palm frond from the ground since I did not have time to wait in line and go inside. The Swiss guards:  are they really swiss?  can they not have sex like priests and nuns?  who came up with their funny outfits?  These questions bother me; however, Clo and I had fun watching them pace around, and some of them were sort of attractive.  And then we had to run...I needed to catch my bus back to the airport and we were running a little behind.  After a minor panic attack, and Chloé having to calm me down...I made it to the bus.  It was a good thing that I got there right on time, because this bus decided to pull out on "normal" time and not lounge around as most Italian things seem to do.  I made it home home (to Boulogne Billancourt) a little before midnight and passed out.

My feet ached for about a day, which would have been worse if I hadn't already built up major walking feet/muscles from my endless walking in Paris.  It is going to be really weird to not walk so much in the States.  I will miss it. 

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