vendredi 20 mars 2009

I studied next to a Matisse, can you do that?

This week was Midterms week, it was supposed to be one week but somehow they leaked over until this coming week as well which stinks because Alex and Chris will be here.  Oh well, it is beautiful in Paris and we are going to have fun.  You are only in Paris once with your brother and boyfriend!  

Last weekend I met up with our family friend Thomas for lunch.  We went to his best friend's family's restaurant.  Its a Lebanese place that is absolutely wonderful.  We have a lot of hummus, eggplant dip, the good kind of tabouleh (not the Maghreb stuff), falafel, pita, honey and nut pastries... Thomas has Saturday classes (he is a law student) at 8 Am and 3 PM.  How much does that suck!!!  (Oh and his school is in total shambles since it has a lot of construction so it is a REALLY depressing place.) I went with him to the first hour of his 3 PM class (Construction Law).  I understood most of it, obviously there were legal terms that I would not get but it was pretty cool and the teacher was interesting.   That night, I went to my friend Zach's apartment on Saturday so we could cook together. He knows I love cooking, and I don't get to at my host home.  Since he lives in one of the IES program apartments the kitchen is outfitted with a microwave, sink, minifridge, and two hot plates so we had to be creative.  We made salmon that turned out really lovely, a vegetable mix of fresh mushrooms, onions, and shallots- and some rice.  I made my mom's balsamic vinaigrette/glaze for the salmon.  Simple but delicious (and fresh!)  We followed this meal by salad and then Zach made bananas flambé (for those of you who don't know you put in a pan: bananas, sugar, margarine (we are both lactards), and LOTS of rum-  when they start to get a golden color you light the rum on fire and watch it glow/burn off.  Yum!)
Sunday was a study for midterms day.  Since it was so beautiful out I met up with some friends on the steps of the Musée d'Orsay and we worked for awhile out there, then when it got a bit chilly, we headed inside and wandered around for a bit/did some homework amongst the art. When I thought about it, it was pretty surreal.  Beat that Deering Library!  This is why I am in Paris.  
I had two midterms on Monday: Women in French Literature and History of French Cinema. Tuesday was my Paris Francophone midterm (The class is fascinating and I adore the professor.  she has an awesome dry sense of humor.) There was another strike on Thursday (which turned out to be a pretty lame one) but in case it was well followed and there was utter chaos, all the Language exams, such as my Translation class exam, were postponed until this coming Tuesday.  NOT COOL.  Not only are my brother and boyfriend going to be here, but we are going to a Girl Talk concert the night before that doesn't start until 9 and ends who knows when.  However, I swear over half my class is going and a ton of people from the program in general.  That will certainly help the curve since everyone will be tired, and I will probably be one of the few who is not also hungover.  So it might not be so bad after all.  

Alex got in this morning. I was supposed to have my Medieval History class at l'Institut Catholique this afternoon and Alex was going to come with me.  My friend Laura, who is also in the class, decided to go to the 11 am section (this is the main course that we have every two weeks, and our discussion session is every week on Tuesday.)

I get a phone call around 10:58- "The classroom is dark.  Are you sure it is J01?"  me- "yea...go ask the administration because they may have changed it last minute."  A few minutes later- "I asked and they were assholes about it, they just said to go back to the classroom and wait but it is still dark."  Third phone call: Laura- "class was canceled."  me- "why?" Laura- "Who knows. Some French girl in the class told me it was canceled for today, she doesn't know why either, it just was."  


Alex and I grabbed some food around the St. Michel area and ate on the Seine near Notre Dame (and then had crêpes!  So far my stomach is feeling ok, but sometimes I feel really sick after I eat them if there is too much milk in the batter.  I have my fingers crossed because it was yummy.  Crêpe compote- my favorite (applesauce/stewed apples as filling).  He is now passed out on my floor, but tonight we will probably go to the Louvre or something since it is free for students on Friday nights.  


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